At Astrea Academy Sheffield, homework is a key aspect of a scholar’s daily routine and our homework model sits closely alongside our knowledge rich curriculum whilst having an emphasis on spacing and retrieval.
- All scholars in years 7 – 11 will receive homework in up to two subjects per night.
- The homework to be completed including any Carousel Learning links will be posted on Classcharts.
- Both families and scholars can view their upcoming homework on the homework tab in the Classcharts app.
- The majority of homework is completed online.
- Maths and Science use Sparx.
- Most other subjects use carousel-learning. The link to these quizes will be provided on Classcharts.
- Each scholar in years 7 – 10 will also receive a homework once per week.
- At KS4 scholar’s will also receive a English Extended Writing task once per week.
- The timetable for key stage 3 and key stage 4 is below.
- Scholars are expected to achieve 100% completion on their Sparx homework and 80%+ on any other homework.
- Failure to complete homework or meet the thresholds above will result in a -1. Failure to achieve 100% completion in Sparx will result in -2.
- Astras are awarded to scholars or complete their homework and meet the above thresholds.
- Homework support is available after school in Upper 9, Upper 10 and the Library Monday to Thursday until 3:45pm.